Sunday, January 25, 2009

I pledge...

Posted by Alienfloyd

I pledge:

to stop passing gas at the dinner table, I think that will help global warming.
to continue to buy into the social agendas and be oppressed by the government until I am totally reliant upon them for everything.
to only let my kids watch TV and never pick up a book because that way they can be mindless zombies that have no original thought and believe everything that comes out of Hollywood and the Que card readers.
to only eat red meat to really piss off PETA and ALF.
to have Facebook as my sole source of human interaction(or WoW).
to watch the Soup on Tuesdays with the guys.
to think that reality TV is real.
to be asleep more than I'm awake.


Stac said...

I love your pledges... I'm now thinking of my own...

BeauRollins said...

If it wasn't for the tin-foil hat on my head, i think i would have been brainwashed and zombiefied