I will deviate from my normal mindless course of unpopular music and weird rants to touch on a subject I am inadequately qualified to talk about. For the first time in many years the true meaning of Christmas has touched my cold and callous heart. I happened upon one of those BYU education week replays from 2004. This one was entitled The Passion of the Christ". It was a response or clarification of the doctrine of the LDS church regarding the Atonement. My eyes were opened and I was blessed with a small dispersion of the miasma of my hard heartedness. In an instant the peace I so often seek set upon me and oddly still remains. My heart is full of gratitude for my Savior whom I imperfectly worship and for the understanding that peace can be found in this life through him that broke the bonds of death and suffered unimaginably so that each one of us can obtain eternal life.
Yoshino Cherry Tree Size
6 months ago
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