Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 was great (not really)

Posted by Alienfloyd

I am excited for 2009. It means I approach one year closer to death.  I can start running again and start mountain biking in again.  I can practice losing my patience in a more succinct and effective way, not just randomly and haphazard.  I can approach life with a less cynical point of view and concentrate on the positive.  I can open my heart just a little more and not be so closed off.  I teach my children something meaningful. I can watch less TV, listen to more enlightening music. Shoot my gun more. Take work to a new level.  Drink less soda and e- drinks.  Enjoy living a little more, embrace 35 and knock down the prideful just a little. Remember to never hold grudges. Awesome!!


Seany said...

Here's a start for the new year and enlightening music

Tooele Brezoff said...

Go 2009 but with out the less TV thing! I enjoy our evening of NCIS watching!