I was going to rant today, but instead I want to say thanks to those people who show up, do their duty, don't complain, always smile, go out of there way and generally enjoy existing. Y'all are my heroes..keep up the good work!!!!
errrr...Now the rant...
I hit a pretty low point today, some things did not happen, the class was out of control, the one kid that is usually the worst was the best, so props to him. It seemed alot of people slacked off today. They end up hurting the children ultimately. I hate feeling sorry for myself and I try to avoid depression, but I had to take a timeout today. I found it on the stairs where we send our kids to timeout. I approach most problems with a calmness, but I am just about out of it. I need a patience recharge. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, except for myself, I am probably not alone in that regard.
Dave spoke on apostasy today, I loved it, it is a topic that intrigues and scares me. I have seen several people I have respected apostatize. When does it begin? What are the consequences? Who else is affected? It scares me because it is fine line, a slippery slope and very few people are immune. I think everyone at least once in his or her life will be faced with the choice or path to apostasy. Some may face it several times, its how we make our choices and live our lives that make all the difference. Are we smart enough and humble enough to see the dangers and turn away?
Yoshino Cherry Tree Size
6 months ago
I hope you learned your lesson in time out!
I love you and I am happy you take your calling to heart and show up each week.
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