Sunday, February 08, 2009


Posted by Alienfloyd

I heard it was coming and then like a siren calling me to Macey's I found the Red Bull Simply Cola.
It's natural and its strong. I love the initial flavor sensation that washes over the taste buds. The lemon -like aftertaste is a little much for me though. By the end of the 16 ounces I had wished I had only got the 8 ounce. It's definitely the most unique and flavorful cola drink I have ever had. I bought two so I will give it another go. The can is pretty cool with the red bull tab. All things in moderation right.


Jen-Knee said...

Hey addict, do we need to stage an intervention?

Thor'sblog said...

yep all things in moderation, thats why I only do my drugs on Monday. :)

Tooele Brezoff said...

Thor, it is always polite to share!

Unknown said...

is it a limited edition or a new permanent product?

Alienfloyd said...

i think its permanent until Congress passes bill against it.

ROVER said...