Monday, June 30, 2008

The Train

Posted by Alienfloyd

Many years ago I heard about a train that was traveling along the path, the tracks to happiness if you will. This train has picked up speed, its clicking along at a very fast rate. I sometimes feel like I got my roller blades on balancing both legs on the rails and holding on to the back of the train with one hand. One hand flipping off the conductor.
Life is moving fast, no doubt about it.


Tooele Brezoff said...

Bryan I are you taking my pills again! I love ya sexy hehehehe

Deanie said...

Wow, if he isn't, you are....... (I are you)?
I love it Bryan. I totally can see you balancing the track in your roller blades and flipping off the conductor. hahaha

Lindsey said...

haha... that is funny. So is Lori's comment & Mom's.

You're nuts. :)

Lindsey said...

haha... that is funny. So is Lori's comment & Mom's.

You're nuts. :)