Saturday, September 12, 2009

The new beginning for me..

Posted by Alienfloyd

As I drove the 30 mile stretch to SLC today I was apprehensive and a littler torn. I haven't been to a political rally since 92? I think. Reagan was there among others. I found parking quickly in my favorite place and as I made my way to the front of the Capitol building I could hear the crowd and the adrenaline began to pump. I caught the tail end of the Chafetz's speech. I was impressed with Mr. Wimmer of the Patrick Henry Caucus. The crowd's enthusiasm began to wane a little and after talking to a neighbor that I ran into. I left around noon. Overall I was glad I went. The crowd was a little more laid back tan I expected.

Anyway Peter Murphy's Deep is winding down. I have discovered CD's again..guess what quality does count after all.