I went to Priesthood for the first time in over a year, (no not because I haven't been to church, I've been in Primary). It was like going back to college after taking some time off. I felt a little out of place.. Why are you using such big words so early in the morning? This is really dissecting the issue can I have some candy? Why won't you give me some candy? Look at me I'm crazy knife in the head guy...I digress. In all seriousness I felt inadequate and a little out of place. So I haven't been keeping up on a real strenuous gospel study plan. Not obvious is it. That's the thing about my church, they expect you to study and continue to strive to be better. Novel idea I know. Sunday school was decent, again dissecting the pride cycle. (Note to self where am I in the cycle right now). I think I am at the I need to humble myself and suffer to get back on course. Let's see if I can prevent any major destruction personally. Pride=destruction (fact).
It became painfully clear all the things I need to change. I have become comfortably numb in a lot of respects. This last year and a half has been hell on me emotionally, mentally and shows no signs of letting up, but since I hold everything in never fear all is well. Maybe if I had kept up on a regular study plan..hmmm... Anyway no excuses, move onward and upward.
its late Bye for now...
Yoshino Cherry Tree Size
6 months ago
I have a pickle for a nose.... give me some candy!!
I understand about feeling out of place... I'm in primary so holding an intelligent conversation about the gospel can be a challenge when your used to dancing around to get an eight year old's attention.
A real lesson!? Mine yesterday consisted of singing Tra la la la la la la, tra la la la la. We all like to help Mother & and we sing as we go! I am excited to be released from the nursery after a full year of service but yes I am intimdated by adult time.. It's like please don't call on me just let me soak in some things first. mkay. ....thanks.
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