I know I talk alot about the music I like and it is somewhat mindless and trivial, the fact is music has always touched my soul. I was joking that the Man from Snowy River was the first CD I ever bought with my own money. I payed full price at a Sam Goody in the mall. I hadn't discovered Zia's yet. I love the music that touches the soul in a positive way. I find it in the hymns of the restoration, classical music, jazz and occasionally an artist of the secular nature will put out a song that is genuinely good. I know how to tell if a song is good or bad. It' s all about how it makes one feel. (Feelings lead to thoughts , thoughts lead to actions)
I have been going through some internal struggles and trials like I have never before experienced in the last year where I would find myself turning to the hymns to calm my troubled mind and soul. I can honestly say they have saved me, they have kept me focused, they have cleared my head. I know my Redeemer Lives, how sweet and comforting that is. I know that I am not alone in this struggle to exist, this knowledge is intensely personal. Life is too short and I have often wasted it on the mundane an inconsequential. I don't mean to be preachy, I simply am trying to get my feelings out, which is a rare event. Just ask Lori. All of us part of a greater plan that goes far beyond the limited capacity of our minds. Unlocking the mysteries of life can be done if we pay the price. Once we find the answers, what do we do then?
Yoshino Cherry Tree Size
6 months ago
Good thoughts. Now you have to try to teach your kids to make good choices on music. That is not easy. Hope you are in a good place. It appears that you are. Love ya, mom
Very good thoughts. It's nice to know what you are at once in a while because rarely do we ever know.
You introduced me into the knowledge of power in music. I never knew what it was doing to me until someone turned off my stereo that one day driving in my VW I threw that cd out the window needless to say.
Hymns have helped calm my troubled soul as well..I have noticed and read about recently how hymns are choice and can bring the spirit very quickly to what ever place they are sung.
I have been thinking/reading alot about God & getting to know him better and what he has in store for me personally & my family.
I too am feeling so grateful to have the knowledge that I do. I know God Lives. I know Jesus Christ is our Savior. I love His Gospel. God is Truthful, Loving, All-Knowing, & Just. I love Him & what he teaches me.
You need to clarify that you were alone in the car. Thanks for the comments.
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