Every once in a while life will give you one of those you gotta be kidding me moments. This entire last week was much like that. Sunday church was as usual with Nixon not wanting to sit 5 minutes in a pew. So I'm in the foyer wrestling him and soon to be joined by Nate. One of our visitors who didn't seem to really want to be there came out of the Chapel holding a child and a Monster. Now I'm not going to lie and say I've never tried one, but next time I want a pick me up I'm going to hide a NOS in the diaper bag. I'll never fall asleep again in church. I 'll start breaking out in a sweat just sitting there. Rock on Monster dude. I have also been fantasizing about singing in a metal band.
Yoshino Cherry Tree Size
6 months ago
Brings a new thought to "spiritual high"
big fan of the metal band idea... you could sing about the kick assness of certain fungi (i.e. candida) and the need for caffiene and hotwings in sacrament meeting.
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