Sunday, January 10, 2010

Law of unintended consequences.

Posted by Alienfloyd

I have thought a lot about death and choices this week. I've thought about conspiracy theories and federal auditors. Do people still have their heads buried in the sand unaware of what is going on around them?

First of all my heart goes out to my sister and brother-in-law and the loss of a brother this week. I can only imagine how hard it is and how devastating. I am impressed with how strong they are and I' m impressed with the choice to be an organ donor that I assume was made prior.

We had the government regulators show up at our doorstep on Monday at work. It always causes stress and makes everyone on edge. Fortunately it went well.

I firmly believe there are very real powers that our attempting to destroy America and take away or freedom. I recently read the Alliance form Gerald Lund. This book takes on the topic of forced compliance to fit a set of societal rules. The loss of freedom ...are we ready to give it all up so the government can do whats best for us. I 'm not really ready for that.

We see that terrorists are still out conspiracy experts? Was 9/11 really a government conspiracy...please they can't get cash for clunkers right , how the heck can they organize 9/11.
Incompetence is rampant.

When a young life is stopped everything that could have been, never happens, that is the real tragedy. The choices made can have far reaching effects. There are things in my life that I wish never happened, the consequences I will probably never fully realize.

Cherish life , cherish your relationships, forgive freely and often and never hold grudges.



Unknown said...

yep, yep, and yep.

I hear that man did not really walk on the moon.

Silly people