Wednesday, March 25, 2009

That's Utah for YOU!

Posted by Alienfloyd

SO I went to Kohl's tonight to pick up a gift certificate. They had one register manned and a line up. "Help on registers at Teens" blares the overhead page.  An older woman walks up behind me with her son or grandson. 

Boy: Why is there a line?
(Fair question by a boy of average intelligence roughly 7 -8 years old that hates department type stores more than me)
Lady: That's UTAH for you!

WTH!! I thought I had stepped into a different dimension for second. So some how a line at a register is indicative of Utah, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this logic.  Oh..she must have been from Idaho ... question asked and answered. So I got up to the register after they opened up another lane.  The lady that was taking so long was a pretty, tall,  African-American women making a purchase.  Well I'm not a smart man but I think this women was being profiled by the clerk because she was all but getting a DNA sample from this woman. Once again ..That's Utah for you.  
Sincerely Confused at Kohl's


Unknown said...

That is a bit perplexing! When I travel I will have to take note if other states have LINES.

Thor'sblog said...

Thats KOHLS for ya